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In the pharmaceutical industry, a reverse payment (pay-for-delay) is a payment from an originator to a generic producer to delay her entry. In some recent cases, the US and EU antitrust authorities have banned these agreements per se, while in others they have used a rule of reason. This paper analyzes their dynamic effects and shows that a ban per se may reduce consumer surplus when the generic producer may go bankrupt and her financial situation is private information. Reverse payments are more beneficial when competition among few players is soft, the economy is in a downturn, and the period of drug usage after patent expiry is long. Results suggest that a rule of reason is more suited than a ban per se.  相似文献   
Since the 1990s, firms in Japan have reduced their human capital investment in the workplace to minimize costs. Moreover, in response to the increase in the number of non-regular employees and turnover rates, workers need to have greater incentive to make the self-motivated investment in themselves for their self-protection. In this study, we first estimate the effects of workers’ self-motivated investment in themselves on wage rates. Next, we explore who is likely to participate in which training type and accordingly estimate the effects of the self-motivated investment on wage rates by training type. Our estimates controlling for individual-level fixed-effects indicate that the return is significantly positive and particularly high for practical training related to workers’ current jobs, and regular workers tend to self-select these higher-returns programs, while non-regular workers are more likely to enroll in lower-returns programs, such as schooling. This trend in investment in oneself could potentially increase the wage inequality between regular and non-regular workers through the self-selection of training types. Our estimates reveal that receiving the training and education benefit raises the likelihood for workers to participate in a high-return training program regardless of whether they are non-regular or regular workers. This suggests that government benefits on self-investment change workers’ self-selection of training type and serve to promote practical trainings that lead to high returns.  相似文献   
The evidence on yields, food-production, food-calories per capita, and declining levels of malnutrition in countries experiencing a Green Revolution are commonly cited in support of the claim that the GR sought to maximise food production. If one looks closely at the actual design of GR programmes (in India and elsewhere), however, it is clear that they were instead intended to boost yields and profitability in a small number of targeted areas. The underlying rationale for targeting was that achieving very high yields in such regions would persuade farmers to abandon subsistence farming in favour of commercial production, relying upon the market for the purchase of inputs as well as the sale of produce. In response to widespread criticism of the Green Revolution ca. 1970 for neglecting the needs of peasant farmers (as well as accentuating rural unrest), the World Bank and other donors began to direct more attention and resources to smallholders, but the aim of commercialising farming remained unchanged.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyse the new processes of tourism growth and its conflicts from the perspective of social movements. First, the urban growth machine analysis model is applied by the systematisation of six projects. Second, the resistance movements against those projects and whether this resistance could be the start of local tourism degrowth policies are examined. The methodology is qualitative, based on documentary analysis, participatory observation, discussion groups and interviews. The case study is the destination of Costa del Sol-Málaga. The results enable the development of the urban growth machine model in tourist destinations. Meanwhile, social movements demystify the argument based on neoclassical economic progress. The social movements condemn the effects of large-scale top-down projects, and implement alternative bottom-up proposals. Although the social movements do not reject tourism, they call for greater control over its impact, denounce unlimited growth, overtourism and the loss of urban quality of life. These movements advocate a lifestyle linked to the everyday space, which they believe is threatened by excessive urban-tourism growth. They are a symptom of the need to devise a proposal using the principles of degrowth.  相似文献   
当前企业推进绿色转型进程、提升企业绩效,是实现高质量发展的重要途径。鉴于企业主动应对内外部因素联动影响的重要性,以动态能力理论视角,在探讨了企业变革发展驱动机制的基础上,尝试构建动态环境规制嵌入下的战略柔性与企业绩效的理论框架。分析并实证检验了战略柔性对企业绩效以及差异化强度的动态环境规制在二者关系中调节效应的作用机理和边界。研究结果显示,当前情境下,前瞻柔性、响应柔性对企业绩效均有显著的正向影响,且响应柔性的贡献度较高;两者交互效应亦能显著的正向影响企业绩效;表明企业对环境变化的预测、反应能力以及将两者协同配合是绿色转型发展的重要措施。一般强度的动态环境规制在前瞻柔性、响应柔性与企业绩效的关系中均不起显著的调节效应;高强度动态环境规制仅在响应柔性和企业绩效的关系中起显著负向调节效应;表明动态环境下,一般强度的政府规制政策对企业的决策和创新等行为更多的是无显著影响,充分尊重其自主发展;同时政府要根据环境变化,合理控制环境规制实施强度,谨防给企业应对环境冲击造成额外的负担。综合研究结果,提出企业加强多重柔性机制建设的力度和政府注重环境规制政策引导作用的策略,最终实现各利益相关者协同推进高质量发展的目标。  相似文献   
政府补贴能否促进企业创新一直存在争议。与以往从资源视角探讨政府补贴与企业创新关系的研究不同,基于信号理论视角,以2012—2016年沪深A股非金融类上市公司为研究样本,通过剔除非研发补贴的噪音并控制样本自选择偏误,实证检验中国转型经济背景下,政府研发补贴对企业创新的微观政策效应,以及企业层面制度因素(产权性质)和区域层面制度因素(制度环境)对该效应的调节作用。研究发现,政府研发补贴释放的积极信号能够帮助企业获取外部创新资源,有效促进企业创新;相比于国有企业,政府研发补贴对非国有企业创新的激励效应更强;制度环境越好,政府研发补贴对企业创新的激励效应越强。研究理论丰富了科技创新政策有效性和信号理论相关研究。同时,研究发现,政府应继续加大对企业创新活动的补贴额度,不断深化所有制改革,为企业创新营造良好的外部制度环境;另外,企业还应充分发挥政府研发补贴信号的杠杆效应,拓宽外部创新资源获取渠道。  相似文献   
基于资源基础理论和持续创新内生机制,利用435家高技术企业2010—2018年面板数据,对多元化战略对高技术企业创新持续性的影响进行探究。结果表明,产品多元化与创新持续性呈正U型关系,技术多元化对创新持续性具有正向促进作用,产品多元化与技术多元化协同效应对创新持续性具有负向影响;动态能力强化了产品多元化与创新持续性之间的正U型关系,并正向调节技术多元化与创新持续性之间的关系。在动态能力调节作用下,高技术企业产品多元化与技术多元化协同效应对创新持续性具有正向影响。  相似文献   
肖海林  董慈慈 《经济管理》2020,42(2):192-208
突破性技术创新是中国落实创新驱动、绿色发展、提升关键核心技术创新能力等多个国家战略的重要路径。本文采用文献计量方法和知识图谱工具,以2001—2018年发表于SSCI和CSSCI期刊的765篇文献为研究样本,从多个视角系统揭示国内外突破性技术创新研究的现状,并对未来研究方向进行展望。主要研究结论是:近18年国内外突破性技术创新研究发文量总体呈逐年上升趋势,国内研究与国外相比起步较晚且持续热度较低、对外合作研究较少且国际影响力不足;突破性技术创新研究遵循的理论基础主要是社会网络理论、动态资源管理理论和组织学习理论;突破性技术创新研究的热点主要集中于技术、组织、资源和财务四个方面,与市场发展问题相关的研究是薄弱环节。进一步从创新主体、创新变轨、研究层次和研究主题四个方面归纳了突破性技术创新研究热点的演化规律和存在问题。突破性技术创新的市场风险、跨国合作战略、大数据赋能和绿色导向会成为未来突破性技术创新研究的主攻方向。  相似文献   
苏南乡村地区一直是中国乡村建设的先行区域,特殊的纵横交错的水网结构构成了一个错综复杂的系统,呈现出其他地区不具有的复杂性和生态特殊性。随着城镇的扩张,乡村的发展建设使其水网空间的平衡发展面临极大的挑战。传统单一静态的规划方法逐渐显示出无法适应经济、社会等发展要求的缺陷。苏南乡村地区以水为核心,从水生态系统服务供需关系的视角下探究水网乡村的适应性规划策略更加适应当前的乡村现状和需求。以传统水网乡村空间形态转译为基础,建立水生态系统供需服务评估体系,在评估水生态系统服务供需能力的基础上,分析供需分异模式及供需矛盾。从构建乡村水域空间生态格局、乡村水域空间功能分区规划,以及乡村水域空间多情景预判3个方面,提出苏南水网乡村的适应性规划策略,并为水网乡村的生态实践提出新思路。  相似文献   
Many experts agree that more agricultural investment is needed in the global South to improve local food security and reduce poverty. However, there is a lack of consensus about the types of investment needed to achieve these goals. This paper contributes to the literature on large agricultural investments and corresponding business models by inventorying and analysing such investments in Kenya’s Nanyuki area. We identify four clusters of business models that differ primarily by type of production and other distinct determinants, namely: demand from markets; access to land; land tenure regime and colonial history; actors involved; biophysical context; labour availability; and governance of the value chain via private standards. The study results shed light on the factors that help or hinder implementation of large agricultural investments and shape their impacts in the context of African land use systems. The way land is accessed represents one of the most-decisive factors determining the risks and opportunities associated with such projects. We find that most investments in the Nanyuki area occur on land bought or leased from private owners.  相似文献   
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